Top 10 Indoor Plants To Decorate Your Living Space in  2023

Discovering Indoor Plants to Elevate Your Living Space at Home

Indoor plants provide a pleasant atmosphere and offer various health benefits. They can enliven dull corners and create a vibrant ambience. Some varieties possess calming properties and even act as natural air purifiers. For instance, Aloe Vera is known for its healing properties for the skin and hair. Whether you’re an avid plant enthusiast looking to expand your collection or a novice exploring the world of indoor plants, we’ve got you covered. Below, is the list of the top 10 indoor plants to elevate your home or workspace, along with their benefits and care tips.

Now let us see which plants we can use to decorate our “Home Sweet Home”

  1. Monstera Deliciosa

The Monstera plant, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, adds a touch of elegance to any space with its iconic, fenestrated leaves. Thriving in warm and humid climates, it not only purifies the air but also accumulates dust, which can be easily wiped off to maintain its charm.

  1. Snake Plant

Snake plant has striking sword-like foliage featuring yellowish cream stripes, the Snake plant is a fantastic choice for indoor decor. It requires minimal sunlight and water, making it an ideal low-maintenance option. As an added benefit, it absorbs harmful chemicals and releases oxygen into the air.

  1. Peace Lily

The Peace Lily exudes elegance with its beautiful white hooded flowers and lush dark green leaves. This tropical plant can adapt to various temperatures and climate conditions, making it suitable for indoor cultivation. Moreover, it is an excellent air purifier, though occasional mite and bug checks are necessary.

  1. Money Plant

Money plant is known for its association with prosperity and good luck, the Money Plant is a delightful addition to any corner of your home. Its hardy nature allows it to withstand fluctuating temperatures and climate changes. The heart-shaped leaves and long vines instantly brighten up any living space.

  1. Areca Palm

As a toxin-filtering and robust plant, the Areca Palm is a top choice for indoor greenery. Growing up to 7 feet indoors, it requires minimal maintenance. Just ensure it receives indirect sunlight and its soil remains moist. Regularly removing waste leaves will keep it flourishing.

  1. Anthurium

With its ability to absorb xylene and ammonia from the air, the Anthurium adds a touch of sophistication to indoor spaces. Its low maintenance needs make it ideal for beginners, and its flowers’ diverse colours and unique veined design add to its allure.

  1. Boston Fern 

Known for its cascading fronds resembling a fishbone, the Boston Fern is an excellent choice for hanging baskets. It not only enhances the appeal of balconies or halls but also helps purify the surrounding air. Placing it in damp soil away from direct sunlight ensures optimal care.

  1. Spider Plant.

Featuring dense clusters of leaves curving gracefully downwards, the Spider Plant is a stunning addition to indoor spaces. Its low to zero maintenance requirements make it perfect for beginners. Additionally, it improves indoor air quality, making it a valuable asset for any environment.

  1. Aloe Vera 

Finally, the renowned Aloe Vera stands out for its medicinal properties, offering benefits for the skin, hair, and various health issues. Its gel-filled thick foliage purifies the air and possesses Ayurvedic properties. Simply water the plant when the soil becomes dry to keep it thriving.

  1. Holy Basil (Tulsi)

The Tulsi plant, or Holy Basil, is a revered herb in Indian culture and traditional medicine. Belonging to the Lamiaceae family, it boasts a plethora of medicinal properties. With its distinct aroma and sacred significance, it is commonly found in homes and temples across India. The scientific name of the Tulsi plant is Ocimum sanctum. Tulsi is believed to promote overall well-being, acting as an adaptogen to combat stress and boost immunity. Its leaves are rich in antioxidants, essential oils, and phytochemicals, making it a popular ingredient in herbal teas and Ayurvedic remedies. Beyond its medicinal value, the Tulsi plant symbolizes purity and devotion, earning its place as the “Queen of Herbs.”


Caring for indoor plants requires minimal time and effort. Regularly check on them and remove dead foliage to maintain their vitality. You can easily find these best indoor plants at nurseries and online stores. Let me know in the comments which ones you have or wish to adorn your living space with.

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