Why is 31st October celebrated as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas ?

National Unity Day, also known as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, is a significant occasion in India, celebrated on October 31st each year. This day holds immense historical and cultural importance as it commemorates the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who played a crucial role in the unification of India. Ekta Diwas serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity and unity that is at the heart of the nation. In this article, we’ll explore the history, significance, and celebrations of Ekta Diwas.

Remembering Sardar Patel:

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, often referred to as the “Iron Man of India,” was a prominent leader in the Indian freedom struggle and a key figure in the unification of India. His leadership and vision played a pivotal role in shaping the modern Indian nation.

Born on October 31, 1875, in Nadiad, Gujarat, Sardar Patel displayed exceptional leadership qualities from an early age. He pursued a successful legal career but soon found himself drawn to the Indian National Congress and the fight for independence from British colonial rule.

Sardar Patel’s contributions to the freedom struggle were remarkable. He played a crucial role in various movements, including the non-cooperation and civil disobedience movements, which aimed to peacefully resist British oppression. His dedication to the cause saw him imprisoned several times, but he remained resolute in his commitment to India’s freedom.

However, Sardar Patel is perhaps best known for his extraordinary efforts in unifying India after gaining independence in 1947. India was a patchwork of princely states at that time, each with its own rulers and allegiances. Patel’s statesmanship and determination led to the integration of these princely states into a single, unified nation. This Herculean task earned him the title “Iron Man of India.”

Patel’s unwavering resolve in persuading the rulers of these states to join the Indian Union was a monumental achievement, as it ensured the territorial integrity of the nation we know today. His skillful negotiation and persuasive abilities were instrumental in uniting this diverse land into one democratic republic.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s legacy lives on, not only in the pages of history but also in the hearts of millions of Indians. He is celebrated for his indomitable spirit, commitment to unity, and remarkable leadership that helped shape India’s destiny. His birth anniversary, October 31, is observed as National Unity Day, a day to honor his memory and recommit to the principles of unity and integrity.

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas is dedicated to honouring the memory of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, one of the key figures in India’s struggle for independence and its subsequent integration. His contribution earned him the title “Iron Man of India” because of his relentless efforts to unify the princely states into a single nation. Sardar Patel’s vision of a united India continues to inspire generations.

The Statue of Unity:

One of the most iconic tributes to Sardar Patel’s legacy is the “Statue of Unity,” a colossal statue standing tall in the Indian state of Gujarat. At a towering height of 182 meters, it is the world’s tallest statue. This statue not only stands as a symbol of Sardar Patel’s monumental efforts in nation-building but also as a testament to India’s commitment to unity and progress.

Historical Significance:

The choice of October 31st for National Unity Day is not arbitrary. On this day in 1875, Sardar Patel was born, and his birth anniversary was chosen to honour his contributions to the nation. This date is a reminder of the visionary leader’s relentless pursuit of a united India.

India’s Diversity and Unity:

India, often referred to as a subcontinent, is a land of astonishing diversity. This diversity isn’t limited to just one aspect but encompasses an array of dimensions, including culture, language, traditions, religions, and geography. The Indian subcontinent is a colorful mosaic, where people of different backgrounds, beliefs, and practices coexist harmoniously.

One of the remarkable aspects of India’s diversity is its linguistic plurality. The nation boasts an astounding number of languages, with 22 officially recognized languages and over 1,600 regional languages. This linguistic richness is a testament to the tapestry of cultures woven across the subcontinent.

Religious diversity is another defining feature of India. It is the birthplace of major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Alongside these, India is also home to a significant population of Muslims, Christians, and various other religious communities. This rich spiritual diversity is a source of spiritual enrichment and coexistence.

Cultural diversity is an integral part of India’s identity. Every region, state, and community in India has its unique customs, festivals, and artistic expressions. The myriad festivals celebrated throughout the year, such as Diwali, Eid, Christmas, and Holi, reflect this cultural richness.

India’s unity lies in embracing this diversity. The nation’s founders and leaders envisioned a pluralistic and inclusive society where different cultures and religions would thrive together. The principle of “unity in diversity” is enshrined in the Indian ethos, fostering an environment where people from all backgrounds can coexist and flourish.

India is a land of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. Ekta Diwas underlines the fact that this diversity is the strength that binds the nation together. Despite the myriad differences, the people of India are united by a shared vision of progress and unity. The day encourages the celebration of this unity in diversity.

Promoting Integration:

National Unity Day emphasizes the need for integration among India’s various states and territories. It serves as a reminder that the strength of the nation lies in its ability to work together, regardless of regional or cultural differences. The event aims to promote a sense of togetherness and harmony among the people.

Pledge of Unity:

Participating in a pledge of unity is a common practice on Ekta Diwas. This pledge signifies an individual’s commitment to uphold the values of unity, peace, and prosperity in the country. It’s a powerful way for citizens to actively contribute to the spirit of Ekta Diwas.

Tributes Across the Nation:

Ekta Diwas is celebrated across the country with great enthusiasm. Government offices, schools, and various institutions organize events and activities to pay tribute to Sardar Patel and promote the message of unity. These celebrations are an opportunity for people to come together and remember the importance of a united India.

Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat:

The concept of “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat” translates to “One India, Great India.” It emphasizes the idea that unity is the cornerstone of a great and prosperous nation. On Ekta Diwas, people discuss and reflect on how unity can make India stronger and more resilient.

Role of Youth:

The youth play a pivotal and influential role in preserving India’s unity and integrity. Ekta Diwas serves as a powerful platform that encourages the younger generation to wholeheartedly embrace the timeless principles of unity and tirelessly work towards forging a better, more integrated India. Young people, in their role as the torchbearers of change and progress, carry the immense responsibility of safeguarding the nation’s harmonious coexistence and nurturing the spirit of togetherness for a brighter future. Their energy, enthusiasm, and dedication are the driving force behind the nation’s continued journey towards lasting unity and prosperity.


You can actively participate in the celebrations of Ekta Diwas. It’s a time to remember the contributions of Sardar Patel, acknowledge the strength of India’s unity in diversity, and take a pledge to work towards a more united and harmonious nation. You can join local events, take part in discussions, and engage in activities that promote unity in your community.

This special day encourages everyone to come forward and take a solemn pledge, reaffirming their commitment to foster a more closely-knit, united, and harmonious nation. It’s a chance to stand in unity with your fellow citizens, shoulder to shoulder, and pledge to uphold the principles of peace, cooperation, and shared progress.

You can actively join the numerous local events, gatherings, and commemorative ceremonies that take place on Ekta Diwas. These events provide a platform to interact with your community, engage in insightful discussions, and actively participate in meaningful activities that not only celebrate the unity of the nation but also promote it. By becoming an active participant in such activities, you can make a meaningful contribution to strengthening the bonds that tie India together and foster a more connected and prosperous future.


Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, or National Unity Day, is a day of remembrance and celebration. It honours the legacy of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and highlights the importance of unity in India’s diversity. The Statue of Unity stands as a testament to this vision, and the day serves as a reminder of the nation’s potential when its people work together. So, on October 31st, join the nation in celebrating Ekta Diwas and become a part of India’s continuing journey towards unity and prosperity.

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